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Feb 08, 2005 2:18 am Compliance and more
David Natiuk
Hi everyone,

In the new spirit of compliance, I shut down my www.xangotango.net address... forgetting that all my emails for RYZE were being routed to david@xangotango.net. Oops! So my recent abscence from this network was related to the fact that I had no idea what was going on. ;-) And yes, I will have to get new business cards like many other people.

I'm glad, though, that XanGo is making every effort to protect their brand, their name, and their integrity. It is essential in today's environment with the claws of the FTC and the FDA being brandished against natural health products. My OPINION is that the drug companies are starting to get scared of the "Alternative Health Movement" and are trying harder (and paying more) to attack any company in this arena.

I believe that is one major reaon why XanGo is requesting all distributors NOT to use 3rd-party materials. We should use company-approved materials and company produced information. The "Exploration" DVD is awesome, as it references some of the medical science done on the Mangosteen and raises questions like "Why Take Health Supplements?"

Why can XanGo reference 3rd-party information, but not us? Because THEY have a whole legal department approving their information products, and they are very careful not to be making claims. If the distributor base is using company-approved materials, then XanGo knows they are in safe territory!

The Exploration DVD does use 3rd-party information (which lends more credibility in my opinion), but XanGo knows that it clearly talks about research done on the mangosteen fruit. The problem with allowing distributors use of 3rd-party claims is that the distinction is not always clear between mangosteen and XanGo. It's fine for people to learn more about the mangosteen in published scientific journals (ie. www.pubmed.com), but if you're using that kind of information to market the XanGo product, issues about false claims can arise.

Should we be worried XanGo is headed towards a run-in with the FDA & FTC? Well, anything is possible... BUT, I have more faith in our legal team and our corporate executives than in any Networking company I've been in before. They are doing everything they can to avoid this kind of situation. XanGo will be here for the long haul, you can bet on it.

Finally... Thank You Mike Dillard, Janis Cross-Keller, and all of you who responded to the SPAM on this board with dignity and integrity. My first thought was to ERASE the spam, but then the lesson would also be gone! Leaving it on this board will teach others what NOT TO DO (bombard message boards!)

And Mike Dillard said it best, true success does not really depend on the product, or the pay-plan. There have been great success stories in shoddy companies, and even in the best companies people fail. True success lies within you. Develop yourself, develop the skills you need to succeed, and don't give up. This is a business of personal development and learning to communicate with people. If you develop yourself, that is something nobody can take away.

Best wishes to everyone, and sorry for the ramble. ;-)

Private Reply to David Natiuk (new win)

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